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Sample Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Describing Homes


Proficiency Level: High Elementary High School Students

Time: 50 minutes


  • Google Slides- American Homes, Floor Plans, and room/furniture/items vocab

  • Projector to display computer content on class white board

  • Spare paper and pencils

  • Giant 3’ note pad

  • Sharpie



  • SWBAT recall household items/furniture by the end of class.

  • SWBAT apply vocabulary into their explanations to describe a room.

  • SWBAT combine ideas and items of a dream house by listing under written categories.

  • SWBAT share and compare ideal preferences within a dream home with the class.

  • Extra: SWBAT explain their floor layout to others.

Introduction (motivation): (5 min)

            *Build scaffold

  • Warm up:

    • Talk with 3 fellow students and share your favorite home activity/hobby.

      • Ex: I like to…. Read, sleep, eat, listen to music, etc.

  • Come together as group and share likes.

  • Rhetorical Question: ‘Where in a house do you complete such activities?’


Information: (10 min)

            *Strong scaffold

  • Pull up PowerPoint on board to provide information.

    • Explain that in American culture, it is common to give a tour of your home when you have a new guest.

    • Read off vocabulary associated with photos presented on slides and provide an English description for better comprehension.

      • Vocab in Slides:

        • Rooms

          • Bedroom: bed, dresser, nightstand, closet

          • Bathroom: toilet, shower, bath, sink

          • Office: desk, computer, chair, bookcase

          • Kitchen: table, fridge, stove, cabinets

          • Living room: couch, tv, lamp, fireplace

          • Extra: yard, garage, attic, basement

        • Floor plan

          • Door, window, stairs, furniture, hallway

        • Positional words (refresher)

          • To the right/left, above/below, across, between, next to, in front of/behind, here/there, etc.

            • Taught in previous class

    • Repeat vocab but have students read the vocab with you x2.


Speaking Activity: (15 min)

            *Lessen scaffold

  • Pre- (4 min)

    • Ask the students to pair up with one other student of their choice and grab a scrap piece of paper and a pencil.

    • Explain the activity:

      • Both partners draw a floor plan of a room in their house and include new vocab.

      • Partner 1: Verbally describe the room you chose.

      • Partner 2: draw the floor plan of the room and the furniture mentioned.

      • Partner 1: Check the drawing to see if it is correct or close.

      • Then the roles will be switched.

    • Show an example of what I expect:

      • Verbally explain my bathroom while I draw the floor plan on the main board.

  • While- (8 min)

    • Give students time to roughly draw a floor plan. (2 mins)

    • Students complete the activity.

    • Walk around and check on groups during activity and answer any questions.

    • Let them know when roughly 3 minutes passes. (have 3 min remaining)

  • Post- (3 min)

    • Have pairs put their drawings next to each other on the gallery wall.

    • Have the students vote for the best matching floor plan.

    • Winning pair gets a mini prize (candy, homework pass, etc.)


Writing Activity: (15 min)

            *Start removing scaffold

  • Pre- (4 min)

    • Organize random groups of 3 with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Have them seated in a square/circle.

    • Explain activity:

      • Each person will have roughly 2 minutes to write the names of rooms they would personalize of an imaginary dream house.

      • Once the 2-minute timer sounds, hand your paper to the next person.

      • Read what your classmate wrote and list furniture/items to go into the dream rooms. Repeat once more.

        • The 2nd and 3rd time, students will have 3 minutes so they may read what was written before.

    • Allow students to ask questions then complete silent activity.

  • While- (8 min)

    • Give students time to start on their own papers. (2 mins)

    • Alert students when the first 2-minute timer goes off to pass off their paper.

    • Walk around and check on groups during activity and answer any questions.

    • Let them know when roughly 3 minutes passes. (have 3 min remaining)

  • Post- (3 min)

    • Have class compare preferred features of a dream house after group activity.

    • Collect papers to be analyzed and note of any common errors among students.


Closure: (1-2 min)

  • “Tell me what you learned new today.”

  • Ask for them to provide new vocab words for our giant vocab notebook.

    • Write the vocab with sharpie and have them repeat it as I am writing.


Extra Time Activity:

  • Find a partner and explain the floor plan/room layout of a level in your home.

  • Describe first floor floorplan to students as an example.



  • Review the written descriptions of dream houses and note any common errors to mention next class.



  • Create a list of 4 things you like about your house and explain why. Then find one household item or furniture not mentioned in class and look up the English translation.

  • The new vocab word will be presented to the class tomorrow. Be able to describe it to the best of your abilities.

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